
Shed Base and Build

Lovely little job this one.
Customer left the key and off she went. You really do need to trust your contractor so it is always nice when people put their trust in you.
The shed was already delivered onsite and as I knew the dimensions, I was able to design the base to the correct size before the day.
Once the soil was dug out and flattened off, we put in a small layer of MOT (hardcore) and a nice 50mm layer of sharp sand.
Then the 600mm x 600mm slabs were laid and edged off with edging bricks that the customer had and said I could use them if I wanted to. I definitely wanted to as it looks very nice being edged with them.
The shed was erected and as you can see in the photos, Stuart was there on this very cold day to give me a hand. So much easier with 2 of you when doing this sort of thing.
The final touch was to set out for a possible step that her Dad could do for her if she fancied it.
A very happy customer indeed!

Do you need a new shed base or shed? You can contact us here if you do.